About spiritual blindness and the path of return to vision
About Divine service
"The false dream is cruelly deceiving its followers"
About the fear of God and insolence
About the sinful life
"Do not sleep, man"
Spiritual and carnal love
It is unpleasant for the reposed in the Lord to see our tears
The closest means to spiritual success
"Let us rejoice in the resurrected God"
"Love must be nourished by the infinite God"
How to get rid of the hustle and bustle at inevitable worries
True love and its distortion
Accept sorrows courageously and wisely
"The Lord bequeathed a love for enemies"
God sees you everywhere, sees all yours
The perfection of love lies in union with God
The patristic writings are known by life
A path leading to love for God
Selfishness often hides under a guise of rightness
Do not allow yourself to be blinded by vain preferences and cares
"Awake, O soul sleeping in carelessness"
About love for neighbours
"A celebration of the victory of life over death"
Who wants to be a true Christian?
About churchly chants
Сarefully watch over yourself
"Forgiveness of everyone and no condemnation are salvation without labour"
It is due to confess the Lord's commandments
The temptation of man from eight sides. Temptations from left and right
This must be done over the Christian during earthly life
The Church lives by the laws of purity and truth
The greatest, only good for man is the knowledge of God
Despondency, oblivion and ignorance
Patience is given by faith
"We must strive with all our souls to serve another"
Submit your mind to Christ and wash yourself in repentance
"Behold, thy King cometh unto thee"
Cling to God by faith, cling to Him with incessant repentance
On the Sunday of fronds
Love for God comes from keeping the Gospel commandments
About idle talks
A laic person should not enter into a subtle examination of spiritual qualities
The childhood of Metropolitan Nicholas of Alma-Ata
Piety is necessary
"In faith, some things simply have no explanation"
Forbid yourself to daydreaming
"The Word was made flesh!"
We have an indispensable duty
"Love is higher than prayer"
What has every Christian taken upon himself?
Put yourself in the place of another person
What does to get rich in God mean?
A hindrance to virtue
Confess Christ as the sovereign Lord
Revival of the icon
About the right Christian life
A wayfarer and the Leader
Inclusion in the number of the elect is left to our own will
To an educated woman who is ridiculed for going to church
About the will of God and of men
How can you console the crying? — Cry with them
About enticement
Confession of the inner man, leading to humility
Empty conversations are a mediastinum of hypocrisy and condemnation
A thought of death
Trying to heal the passion at its root, do not fake that you have already won it
"Without sorrows we cannot live"
About hypocrisy
Cross of the Lord
Invisibility of the seal of pride
From "A Short Rule for a Pious Life"
The proud are deprived of power over themselves
"You fast according to My grace"
About pride
"Be patient!"
A guide for the entire Christian society
"If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me"
A law for the mind
Foreboding of eternal life
A powerful tool
On the Sunday of the Cross-worship
The foundation of all virtues
The Holy Spirit and Divine Scripture
About fasting
How Forty Martyrs of Sebaste saved Joseph (Chernov) the Metropolitan of Astrakhan (+ 1975)
Types of humility, true and false
Ammorian Martyrs
Recognize yourself worthy of the position in which we are
Calvary-Crucifix Skete and demise of Ven. Job of Anzer
Do not compose yourself excitements
A letter to Santa Claus
Humility and its worldly blind judges
"Judge not, that ye be not judged"
What does true humility consist in?
On the verge of an afterlife
The virtue known from the inner heartfelt peace it gives birth to
Dirty Turkish delight
About humility
"Now we are not hopeless"
Meaning of mercy at the Judgement of Christ
The temptation of man from eight sides. Temptation from front
Natural mercy cannot be a God-pleasing virtue
St. Porphyrius of Gaza, the guardian of the Holy Cross of the Lord
Expecting help from God, reject human mercy
"A natural consequence of the soul living in Christ"
On the Divine and human mercy
His Eminence Sylvester's word to those who use foul language
The pledge of eternal bliss
The Providence of God
The only infallible path to salvation
The feat of prayer
We do not know what our salvation consists of
Venerable Timothy in Symbols
A great happiness for a sinful person
From the life of Venerable Cornelius Pskovo-Pechersky
What should he do who wish to be saved?
"I am the way, the truth, and the life"
What acquisition made by us on earth can remain forever?
Congratulations on the beginning of the fast!
About salvation
Eve and Mary
Recognition of the atonement and the Redeemer
Away from God
This is already a gift of God
"A spiritual garden, fragrant with flowers of charity"
The gift of God should not be used for evil
Purpose of our life
Leave your sinful life through sincere repentance
Disobedient to the will of God
How to use the power of repentance
The Lord and Mother of God are always ready to help us
With self-conceit, repentance is impossible
An onionlet
The only way to the Kingdom of Heaven
Foundation of Vazheozersky Saviour-Transfiguration Monastery
God's saving gift
Memory of death
Repentance is omnipotent
"Accept the firm intention to do everything for the Lord God"
About repentance
Living faith and invisible struggle
Family responsibilities
Faith sets man before God
Russian Spiritual Mission in Japan
The instrument of human salvation
Comprehend our faith
The basis of prayer
Parable of the Prodigal Son
About the union of faith with spiritual mind
A word on the Presentation of the Lord
About faith
About the grace of the holidays
Answering the needs of sensual people
Icon of saints Cyrus and John
Carnal wisdom and spiritual mind
The temptation of man from eight sides. Temptation from behind
About miracles
"Do not judge anyone"
How to pray to God correctly
Three stages of spiritual life
Take care that prayer is performed with attention
On the Sunday of Publican and Pharisee
Praying, have freedom with reasoning
Venerable Theodore the Studite
The path to God is prayer
A word at trial of Hieromartyr Basil Bishop of Prylukу
Prayer appropriates man to God
Compassion for animals
How to succeed in the prayer feat
I should bear witness unto the truth
Scattered and attentive prayer
Do not neglect the little
Why is this so?
Miscellaneous benefits
About attentiveness at prayer
There are no randomness on earth — everything is from the Lord
The pursuit of God
About a brief prayer
"Humility is great"
About bearing of the cross
To a retired woman who complains about fashion
About the holy fathers
Spiritual warfare
About the Holy Scripture
Real heroes
About the Eucharist
From "A brief rule for a pious life"
About the Church
Continuation of earthly life
"Is it not all the same?"
About the peace of Christ
How to tolerate slander
About the fear of God
A cell-maid
About the Providence of God
There are no excuses for lack of faith
About blessed eternity
Coming to simplicity from posturing
About the Mother of God
A word on the Baptism of the Lord
Epiphany eve
About God
The way of St. Simeon to the Cave Monastery
"Fragrance is the name of Christ"
The lowest step of prayer
The meaning of obedience
The work of God in the soul of man
"Your child’s heart will be kind."
In this suffering true love finds pleasure
From a prayerful thinking on Monday
Treasure this precious gift of youth
Conversation analysis
In this sense, everyone can imitate Christ
"Do not be ashamed to confess your sins"
The word of love is a blessing
Prayer is the key to all the highest good
“Glory to Thee, Lord, that Christ was born!”
O God, give me peace coming from a pure heart!
Christ is born!
The heart joy, given by the Lord, no one can take from us
"Let us be not afraid of the difficulties of the way"
Give praise to God, for your faith has saved you!
"Envy is the clear opposite of love"
The Lord will open His paths for us
Why did the angels appear to shepherds?
Listening to this Divine voice, our grief subsides
The abyss that exists between the wisdom of God and worldly human wisdom
Burial of Righteous John of Kronstadt
Faith grows in misery
"Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance"
The one who does not love is not a Christian
Not only in words, but in silence let us confess the Lord
The deepest and most lasting
About those who stay in aberration
In confession, we must see the infinite goodness of the Heavenly King to His criminal subjects
Life's everyday sea
The problem of general happiness
To an urban dweller about gifts of sectarians
Grace and truth are in Christ Jesus
"God's mercy is immeasurable"
God has kept the Bible for us
Reaching the fullness of spiritual life, we will be like children again
On immortality of the soul and eternal resurrection
All our fear will disappear when we recognize the Lord's voice
The Lord has a place for you, whatever you are
To become a Christian meant to join the Church
This should be our continued ministry to Christ
"Do not seek rest until death"
Until we find Jesus, we are at a loss for truth itself
Grace of God
The responsibility of the Christian is very great
Non-possessiveness is better than alms
By the Lord everything that we live by should be imbued
"Only commandments purify the heart"
There is no randomness in death
"If you want to destroy someone, praise him for some virtue"
How would our judgements change if we could see what the Lord sees!
About parental blessing
The Lord Himself will be with us
Never lose heart and never inspire gloom to others
Do not neglect work in the field of the Lord
What kind of sacrifice is pleasing to God?
Turn to the Lord, revealing your heart to Him
Justification and seduction
A living connection between the soul and God
Communion of the Kingdom of Christ
"Think it not strange concerning the... trial which is to try you"
Not in the visible there is truth, but in the invisible
The Lord also accepts those who remain inactive
Advice to the young
Never lay responsibility from yourself onto others
To pray is to oppose pride
Do not be angry at the offender
Irritability from impatience
Let us do what our duty indicates to us
Irregular Confession cannot be complete
Did really all the people of the Old Testament perish?
Only such a vivid image of Christ the Saviour can meet our needs
"Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy"
The Lord makes up for all our desires with His eternal blessings
Who can you open your soul to?
Let us pray for those who offended us
Sign of Christianity
Where can we get patience?
What does a woman have to busy herself?
Christ stands at the deathbed of each of His children
What does it mean to lie in thought?
The enslavement of earthly life makes the soul alien to God
No, we do not die
How do you have to punish a child?
The Lord knows better than you, when it is time
Humility is acquired by silence
Do your work, and the Lord will descend to your efforts
"Evil unreasonable obstinacy"
Find God Himself in your tribulation
"Do not order sovereignly"
Not only new trials, but also new joys
Only carry your penance kindly
Let us bear one another's burdens, forgetting about our own
The ark of the covenant is a type of the Mother of God
Remain firm in faith, and the Lord Almighty will be with you
"The Virgin goes to the Holy of Holies"
The power of Christ's resurrection will set you free too
How can you raise children by your example?
Look at Jesus as the only true path
"The hand of the educator"
The real purpose of life
About the virtue of reasoning
Great and important undertaking
Is impressionability a weakness?
Christ proved the possibility of resurrection
About the relation to the neighbour
To minister is something required
Demons do not like Jesus prayer
Such a treasure that should not be wasted
"If your wife has a vice, cast it out, not her"
The light of the Lord will illuminate us
What ask God for?
A word about prayer
Let us come to our senses
Peace is promised to him who trusts in the Lord
Laziness captures time
Develop abilities given to you, in order to fulfil God's will
"Ask God for love for your brother"
The shield of faith
"Happiness is situated in ourselves"
Have you known even a small fraction of Christ's thirst to save people?
Teach children compassion
The Lord needs such souls who are ready to give Him everything
Keep consent
Fixing our eyes on Christ, and we will be firm
The frenzy of pride
We will answer for every missed case to help our neighbour
Charter at the case of accession to the patriarchal throne
Behold, my soul, where the victory is!
Sacrifice in family life
That is what we must ask the Lord for
"Learn to make others happy"
The doors of paradise are wide open for anyone who repents not hypocritically
"A gloomy and repulsive life is not God's life"
In order to live, we need to die for ourselves
Hidden irascibility
And in the seeming inaction, we can work on the field of Christ
Do not believe your thoughts
A Christian must be happy
Thankfulness to mother
In the cup of human suffering there cannot be a single extra drop
Why is the devil called an adversary?
Dangerous doctrine
What is spiritual wisdom?
About Spiritual Reading
"Vicious lives and unbelief are connected"
Thee the Champion Leader
Touchiness comes from "self-price"
Sovereign Alexander III Peacekeeper
On the day of the death of Metropolitan John (Snychev)
How does the enemy act on a person?
About thankfulness to God
A word addressed to husbands
"But whoever saw God?"
"A great consolation our faith is"
What is the icon made for?
A spiritual person "has no right" to be right
Curiosity is a mortal sin
From the Treasury of St. Ambrose
Glory to God for everything
Obediently accept God's upbringing, God's time and God's ways
Property harassment
God exercises your faith. Cling to Him tightly until fulfilment is received
Lord, protect me from my tongue
Beyond the grave we can no longer help our brethren. Let’s do it while they are alive
Rottenness, hidden inside
The Lord speaks to us even when we do not know this
"Adapt not faith to your life, but your life to faith"
No trial in the future can separate us from the love of Christ
How to bring a child to the thought of God?
We must listen to the voice of the Lord, seek Him with all our hearts every moment
Warmly cool person is pleased with himself
The Lord will send rest to you if you turn to Him
The worst disease
Patience is what we need most in life
The Power of the Cross of Christ
The Lord takes upon Himself the whole heaviness of our burden and is ready to bear it with us
Belief in the intercession of the Mother of God
What does self-denial consist of?
To one convict who asks about perjury
Only in unshakable trust in God may be found the power to achieve a victory
Eagle and rooster
Everyone do what you can
"A specimen for monastic abodes"
May this faith be our faith!
Beauty of virginity
Everything that is incompatible with Christ's goodness will be broken
"The sweetness of Divine love"
Everything should disappear for us so that nothing becomes between us and that glory of God
Monk's business is a prayer for the whole world
Grace is an undeserved mercy
Verbosity leaves a feeling of drear and laziness
Everything our temporary and everything eternal be inside the cross
"What kind of woman is without faith?"
Base your lives on the Word of God
On the need to read holy books
O Lord, illuminate me with Thy light and put Thy peace into my soul!
"Heaven! Heaven!.."
Going to bed, we must cleanse our heart from everything that removes us from God
How to choose a bride?
Seeds God has given us for sowing
The glory of priestly service
About the Resurrection of Christ and about our resurrection
The principle of prayer action
O you who suffer! The Lord Jesus Christ in His infinite love drank this bitter cup to the bottom
Memory of the holy martyresses
The labour path of charity is longsuffering
About heart simplicity
Thank the Lord for the temptations that give you a more complete knowledge of His goodness
"It is impossible to be saved without sorrows and temptations"
Firmly and steadfastly follow the beloved Lord, in spite of any obstacles
"A sign of victory over the power of death"
The cross will lead and us to victory
"A big mistake"
Live in constant fellowship with Christ
What is vindictiveness?
We must pray that the Lord Jesus Christ reigns alone in our whole being
The Lord also uses those whom no one needs
"Twice I was in the Holy Spirit, and twice I was in great trouble"
How to protect a child from vanity?
Remembering the lost, let us give ourselves to the service of those who remain
Blessed matrimony
A wide field is open to us, and it is in our will to work on it or lazily fold our hands
Why is the Nativity of the Mother of God so joyful?
The Lord's burden alone can heal my wounds, and only His Cross can cover them
Consent in family life
Each of us begins to live only when he dies for himself
Circumstances of life
Do not invent people, but take every person as he is
In His care the Lord sometimes sends us sorrows and trials
"Parents will always accept you"
"That we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble"
During a seemingly inaction, the greatest victory in the world was achieved
Love the biographies of saints
"The Lord is good unto them that wait for Him"
Living according to your own thoughts is selfishness
The Lord is always close to those who call on Him
"May marriage be about the Lord, and not by passion"
Wherever we are, our path leads us to our eternal homeland
About prayer for the rulers
Three degrees into which the whole life is divided
Ancient teaching
Something in our spiritual life does not weaken over the years
May God give honour to those who know how to wear it
The truth fought with vice
Christ alone gives life. In Him alone is salvation and awakening from a sinful sleep
Example of Ven. Moses the Black
Each of us must serve the Lord with the gift that he received from above
If brother insults you — test yourself
Blessed are those who have learnt to to pray!
"To love is the work of husbands, and to yield is the business of wives"
Reach the humility shown in Bethlehem to have the heart of a child and the wisdom of maturity
TV-set devastates human being
To those who wish to come up to the Sacrament of Communion
No captivity can stand against the almighty rays of God's consolation
"Rejoice and be glad, getting your bread by labour"
The Lord is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek Him
Heart of Holy Russ
Evil communications
How cooling in faith is in progress
The Lord is constantly working on you
How to introduce children to spiritual life?
The Lord turns our tears into a fertilizer of our inner soil
Inspire children the fear of God
Observe that you walk according to the Lord's command and directly to Him
What does upbringing consist in?
Let the Lord command us. Give Him complete, unconditional will
About the relation to the neighbour
Our sorrow loses all bitterness at the mere thought that it draws us closer to Christ
God's judgement or crisis?
Trust in the Lord and trust in His help, which will never be lacking
"God sees your mind and watches thoughts"
The first and most important of our duties relate to our closest brothers
"Ladder to Heaven"
Arm yourself with the instrument of the word of God
Children must obey their parents
Let us live in the present, not caring about the future
Love God and thank Him for everything
The Lord exalts us above the burden of our worries
Sin weakens and virtue strengthens
The more I take of God for myself, the more I will pour out of this and on others
"Let us be constant in our spiritual feat"
The true love of Him Who has loved from beginning to end belongs to you either
"It is impossible to take care of the soul and body at the same time"
Each disappointment in life is intended to bring us something much better
Your example stronger than words and instructions affects young hearts
What we desire is often not intended for us by the Lord at all
Don't let your thoughts run aside in prayer
May the Lord make and our desert blossom
About the transfiguration of people by the power of the grace of the Holy Spirit
Doing God's will on earth, let us first imitate the One Who is meek and lowly in heart
Purpose of the Transfiguration of the Lord
Words are the simplest means to spread out evil
Extreme humility is required at prayer
Strive forward to where the Sun of truth rises
One of the many forms of hypocrisy
A secret to be tasted in order to comprehend the constant spiritual communication with the Lord
Self-justification is from worldly subtilizing
The carefree unrequited obedience of the child should be our share
"Condemning vicious people, we condemn ourselves"
Let it become our custom to first put on Christ!
Where to seek comfort in sorrow?
In our sorrow we can benefit our neighbour and thus partly become like Christ!
Patience of difficulties for Christ's sake
May the Lord be with us, and we with Him everywhere and always!
Anger is temporary insanity
Let us follow in the Saviour's footsteps and, without reservation, give all that we have
About the nobility of the soul
Let us, remembering all the Lord's mercies, be willing to meekly give Him everything He would demand
"The soul, when it is humbled, then brings forth the fruit"
A strict report will be required of us
"Warm coolness is Christianity without the Living Christ"
Let us hope that sincere prayer will always be heard and performed for the good of us
On the abuse of the great gift of producing people into the world
But blessed are the humble
Denial of the eternity of torments is denial of all Christianity
No resentment, no neglect should diminish our jealousy and constancy in the performance of duty
Keeping an eye on others is a sign of pride
The Lord will bless our intention, if it is truly worthy of it
Tips about prayer
All the gifts we received from the Lord should be given to the service of our neighbours
How to behave with your husband?
Let us endure offences, injustices from our neighbours as tests sent by the Lord Himself
Without the Lord in the soul life is yearning and sorrow
In Christ alone we gain the fullness of life that we are thirsty of
Vicious intercourse before marriage takes away family love
Every day let us devote part of our time to take a conversation with God
About keeping of the heart
Let us never forget our complete insignificance
"This is a true monk"
Wherever we are, we can always appear before the Lord
"This confession spread the faith"
Let us turn for help to Him Who never refuses
Good word
The little that is in our power, the Lord Himself will turn in favour of the unfortunate
Vladimir the Red Sun
Looking unto Jesus, we can fulfil everything He has appointed!
Take thought, man, that you are nothing
A duty that we must continually give, without demanding and not expecting a return
"Calmly do what is at hand"
All our inner feeling tells us about eternal life
How elder Paisius helped people...
Following the Saviour, imitating Him, how can we think anything about ourselves?
Spiritual Mother of All Russia
Confession and Repentance
"He who loves much, will be able to do much"
What is meekness
Let us listen for the voice of the Saviour and seek Him in everything
"Live for others and you will be saved"
The light of Christ illuminates the deepest darkness of sorrow
Always Intercessor
Let us be content with the fact that the Lord leads us
About honouring of the spiritual father
Let us remember where help and consolation can come from
How to find a spiritual father?
Charity and love should illuminate, elevate and warm our every cause
Testament of abbot of the Great Lavra
Let us rely entirely on the Lord
On the death of our lower personality
The most important thing in the spiritual life
Contribute a portion of Heavenly, given by the Lord, in every matter, even the most insignificant
Tsar in the last times
The highest good that everyone thirsts for, but cannot reach without the Lord
Condescension in Christian manner
A matter of love, which we have no right to remove from ourselves
Let us reject the soul-destructive worms
We have one outcome, one consolation, one support
On the need to imitate the saints
And now you must get up early and be fed and armed by God with plenty, if you want to resist sin
"We want Christ"
Let us keep in our heart the hope that our prayer will someday be heard and fulfilled
Be like God with love
O Lord, let me forget myself so that I can enter into Thy joy
From the instructions of Rev. Ambrose of Optina about parenting
Nothing can be below our dignity
Lord exalted the Mother of God for Her humility
No external conditions should be able to interfere with our communication with the Lord
"Let us watch out vigilantly for ourselves"
To a foreman about faith in nature
To be under such dominion is real freedom!
"God commands the birth"
Let us be an open epistle of God, proclaiming His word with our every action and our whole life!
The affairs of life are determined by God
What does the spiritual life of a Christian consist of?
O Lord, be my Helper in my desert!
The world infected with false ideas
Why do we need to be gentle in feelings and actions?
The highest gifts of God are used in the simplest, everyday life
Eternal irritability
Keep pudency
Penetrate the light of God's love, catch every ray
"God is a fire"
Let us give the Lord our heartfelt memory
How to learn to love God?
Why did God create man and why is the Church needed?
May sorrow not harden the heart, but turn for the benefit of the soul
Prayer pleaders for the world
May your power be the power of love
Hundredth benefactor
Each of us can resort to the Lord in full trust with all our needs and concerns
What is the fear of God born from?
Life of St. Peter, formerly a publican
How to gain condescension to the neighbours?
Let us recall to whom we belong, and fulfil His will hourly
About charity
How to reprimand subordinates?
Duties of the wife towards the husband
Peace be unto you!
"Light" sins
It cannot be that our moral needs are left without satisfaction
About soulful war
Types of pride
Imitate your saint
"Do not leave the prayer"
Beware of false prophets
Bring into your life even a drop of God's love and God's truth
"What is useful for the soul is difficult for the body"
Priceless treasure of the native language
Honour to God first
Where is a recipe for soul's ailment?
Children are able to comprehend God deeply
What is God?
About family life
About punishing children
Reading of heretical books is a sin of the mind, ailing with pride
About the non-judgement of the neighbour
We should celebrate the memory of the saints with reverence
Here is a real prayer
This is the whole point of the blissful state of man
Let us belong to Lord's flock and be attentive to His voice
By experience of grief the Lord gives us an opportunity to comfort others
Serpent of ecumenism
Do better now among these who extend their hands to help others
Let us realize that the Lord's hand is over us, and He holds us, in this consciousness is all power
Let everything appear to us in the light of all the holy, infallible will of God
Let everyone be content with his purpose
Every incident that we are witnesses, has a moral teaching, and we must apply it to ourselves
Nature teaches us a lot
Wisdom in family life
Great advantage is to walk in newness of life!
May our heart be the abode of God's Kingdom
There is such an omnipotent power that does not allow the enemy to approach the believing soul
We will be safe only when we are aware of our constant dependence on God
First of all reconcile in full measure, completely with everyone
Christ compassions the needs of not only the soul, but also the body
What makes the soul content?
Do your Heavenly Father's will without asking why
Appeal to the Lord with a thirst for His coming and Kingdom
How to correct your wife?
Christ gave us the Father
The Lord is close to me all the time despite whatever may seem
"Look for an elder of quiet, kind, humble"
Do not murmur about the darkness around you
Let us bless because God blesses us
"Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth"
The source of God is so abundant
O Lord, expand the limits of my love so that I can understand the whole depth of Thy love
Remember that strength is not given for tomorrow, but for today's cross
True love itself is a prayer
Let us fall down at the feet of Christ, lest we cross the threshold of sin
By cutting off one's will, one gains impassivity
Teach me, Lord, to understand how much Thy promise exceeds all that I have left behind
Impoverishment of Spirit in Christians
A property that is above all mind and which no mind can embrace
Flows of grace have gave drink to every wilderness
"Death is not an unexpected misfortune, but a common destiny for all of us"
"Oh, good and holy shepherd"
Without a visible support, follow the path of obedience
When dealing with people, keep the word "love" in your heart
What is the whole world suffering for?
Love that requires vengeance can never be pleasing to the Lord
Bishop and Surgeon
A simplest list of sins to be confessed
Sins and sinful states against God
Sins and crimes towards neighbours
Carnal sins
Sins and sinful manifestations in the family
Sin in relation towards oneself
"I am with you and no man is against you"
Pascha is a transition from worse to better
Remembering Peter’s abdication, let us always seek to be faithful to our Saviour until death
The transfer of the elder Neil to his disciples
Only that is true, firm and eternal, what is revealed by God Himself
Do not surrender despair of illness
Good Lord! Turn me also into one of Thy implements
How to help a drinking husband
Walking in the Lord's footsteps, we cannot stray from the road
Feeding at the confessor
The whole surplus of our earthly sufferings will then turn into exceeding weight of glory
Remember, children, the fifth commandment
Don't lose a chance to help others, alleviate their suffering
The wonderful fruit of the Baptism of Russia
O Lord, help me take on other people's burdens to escape to the freedom that Thou grantest
If there is pride, then faith is ineffective
Let us learn not to succumb to worries and difficulties, and not exaggerate their significance
How does the spiritual advancement of man occur?
Let us be sure that whenever we stand before God we will receive a blessing from above
Let us hurry, repentant, to the Lord's feet in fervent prayer and thanksgiving for unspeakable Gift
Recognizing our weakness and inability, let us call for help from above
"Who were the myrrh-bearing women?"
What should love be?
Making the deeds Christ calls you to do, remember that you're only an instrument in His hands
Holy Fathers about military service
Let us not weaken in the prayer for a new heart
Wait with patience and trust
Your children will not be safe but only with the Lord
About true humility
Prayer for the departed is the duty of love for neighbours
About military case
Only encouraged by the love of God, we can hope to accomplish the work entrusted to us
Thomas's confession
Always turning to the light, draw in it fresh strength and new cheerfulness to serve the neighbours
"Glory, O Lord, to Thy glorious Resurrection!"
Never lose hope for the salvation of souls kindred to you
Christ's Victory is a gift to the whole world
Christ Himself will receive all we give from the heart
"Yes, the great days are now"
What does it mean to love God?
Let us hurry to give our soul to our neighbours!
God wants to cleanse your soul
We will learn to bless and praise what has cost us the most tears
"God is the highest good"
Caring only for today, we will always receive enough light
Among all the crosses sent by the Lord our own one is the only suitable for us
Apostolic miracles are a proof of the Resurrection of Christ
"Day of all joy and heartfelt gladness"
The greatness of the Resurrection
Oh, if we could curb our tongue!
"Love more great than the love of the God-man for us, is impossible"
May the Lord give and us to see a holy Angel comforter
Maundy Thursday
The Lord will manifest His power in you
"His name became hateful to the whole world"
A good impulse to which we give give way will not die with us
The parable of the ten virgins
Lord! May Thy will, be done!
"Accompany the Lord"
Remain pure, even among the thick darkness of worldly evil
"And all, taking Thy cross, we say"
We must first of all humble ourselves and subdue all malice in ourselves
The Resurrection of Lazarus
Our connection in Christ with the invisible world is never broken
Instructions of Venerable Sebastian of Karaganda
Let us decide firmly to bear our burdens, trusting in the Lord
When does Christianity begin?
Arise, and follow Christ
What are the kinds of good deeds?
Let us be unshakable in our intention to live by faith
"The comfort of the body is our enemy"
No sin of yours may be hidden, but everything will be exposed
"Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted"
Let us arise and go after the Lord
The Lord accepts repentance
There will come the obvious triumph of Jesus crowned with glory despite all evils
Blessed is he who is set to preach the Gospel
You should, holding fast to Christ, bear much fruit
Verbosity and prudent silence
Everything without exception in your life is mercy
The whole war is for humility
The help from God will be given
How to beat condemnation?
We must never forget our neighbours
Signs of a person who has the fear of God
Let us purge the old leaven
On the influence of his wife on her husband
The Lord declares to us the great Mystery of Communion
Depth of the Mystery of God's Incarnation
Secret feat of love and selflessness is before God much more merit than deeds standing in sight
Proof of the immortality of the human soul
Let the Lord tune the strings of your soul
What is the cause of soul emptiness?
Let us do good to our neighbour without indulging evils
"Silence is a great force"
Let us hasten to take refuge in the Lord
Repent without hesitation and doubt
May the grace of the Lord fill our whole being
The harvest of eternal life will come
"It was from Me..."
Let us come to Christ to satisfy our spiritual thirst
Let us go to the Lord and cry to Him from the very depths of our despair
By sharing in His suffering, the soul unites with Christ
Let us follow Christ giving us sight
Love does not die
Why is the fear of God needed?
Let us extend the withered heart to Christ
"Don not think evil about anyone, otherwise you will become evil yourself"
That's what charity does!
Repenting, let us return to the Lord that He could heal us!
Let us earnestly desire the Lord to show us His will in all cases of our life
About the luminous sign of the Cross appeared in heaven
Let us go with the Lord as with the loving Leader
Proceedings against lack of faith
What should we see our sins for?
"Better is a little with humility and for obedience"
The path is opened for us to alleviate and mitigate the sorrow of others
Instead of our neighbour let us judge ourselves harshly
About the protection of senses
Having started, do not back down
Parents participate in the formation of the child's immortal soul
Are you ready?
What does humility consist?
No earthly good can compare with kindness
The story of two garrulous women of fast
Be illumined with a ray of Heavenly light
Brief instructions
God will not leave you until you turn to Him
It is the highest, the deepest, one real good
Hold tight for the love of Christ
Spiritual hunger
"Not all souls are equally strong"
A misfortune will turn into a good for us
"Be careful not to talk harshly and arrogantly"
"There is enough time for everything, but not for prayer!"
A prayer of the often falling man
Those wishing to be saved need a feat
The Lord never leaves us, no matter what seems us
About prayer and fasting
About our unworthiness
Let us cast everything upon the Lord
Responsibility of parents for raising children
In defense of veneration of the icons
"For God is the Doctor"
Mystery of the will of God
"In repentance there is the whole mystery of salvation"
"You should keep your ears"
Study of own self
The Lord fasted for the sake of ours
"Join together in the feats of rising from fallings"
Get up to business instead of complaining!
Self-justification casts out the grace of God
Is paradise worthy of giving up earthly pleasures?
How Christ comforts you
"How unreasonable creature works for us, so that we, rational, work for God"
Verbosity from self-conceit
A Christian should not hate life
"Do not be as the hypocrites are"
"Everything has its sense, meaning and purpose"
About the torments of hell
God in the heart can take only the first place
"The Judgement of Christ will be truly terrible"
How to help the departed soul?
Blessed are the peacemakers
If the husband is an unbeliever...
Faith in Christ should unite us
Great person is a minister at the altar of God
May the Lord's mercies flow through us
There is no true love without Orthodox faith
One path of God was laid for man from the beginning of time
Approaching and moving away from God
Be afraid of upsetting Christ
Edifying lesson for a youth
The Lord has enlarged our hearts
Appearance of Hieromartyr Charalampios to Venerable Arsenios of Cappadocia
The Lord calls us all to Himself
Freedom and slavery
The Lord descends to all my needs
Self-love is the root of evil
The truth should be the basis of our every thought
Sin eclipses the eyes of the soul
Divine grace is the only thing we need
How to treat your wife?
Obey the Lord to bear an eternal fruit
The Gospel about the true and imaginary man of prayer
Abide with us!
To whom did the Lord say the parable of the publican and the Pharisee?
Go to the Lord and find in Him eternal rest to your souls
No good deeds a man will carry into his coffin
Think about the harvest when you sow
The feast of the wondrous meeting and the first parting
The Lord tells each of us exactly what he needs
Heavy harm of verbiage
The only necessary condition for bearing fruit
"Expel malice by clearness of your forehead"
Let us forget about ourselves, always ready to give way to another
The advice of the three saints
No one will escape the Judgement of God
Pray for others, be meek and humble-wise
The gift of God, dwelling in me, must flame and light
About veneration of the new martyrs
Let us rely on God, not on ourselves
When you give thanks, God takes away the sorrow
Where have we built our nest?
By justification we isolate ourselves from God
He will tell us all things
The beauty of conjugality
Our souls may not perish
How to raise obedient children?
The spiritual should be over the mundane
"To be a servant to all"
Be ready
"A bad word makes the good bad, but a good word makes the bad good"
The highest happiness consists in holiness
About the prayer of unrepentant sinners
Accept the blessing prepared for you in Christ and transfer it to all around
About conscience and shame
Turn eyes to the light
Every good deed for the evil one is desirable to denigrate
Even the shadow of some people acts beneficially
How to keep a marriage happy?
The effect of the prayer is striking
God is always the same
The thought of God's Judgement must be a bridle to our tongue
Gracious life of the child
How is it to know the true faith?
"You have to restrain yourself"
For God and some little things are great
"Wonderful fruits of forgiveness of injuries"
The good that has been done does not die
Curiosity about the shortcomings of others
Christ's grace is sufficient for us
Teachings without piety do arrogant
Let our hidden man stand before the Lord
Freedom in circulation devastates love
How do we follow Christ?
"Everyone that is met must be received as a messenger of God"
Come to the immortality granted in Baptism
The Lord wants me
The life of St. Alexis the Man of God
Let us realise our spiritual thirst and let the Lord quench it
The spiritual and the carnal birth
The Lord is close to us
Our love for God
Meaning of the parable of the unjust steward
Homily for the Epiphany
Don't become teachers soon
Let Christ visit you with His Spirit
Christmas message of Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna
Everyone needs patience
Warm coolness is a sad phenomenon
The purpose of the sent down test
"Sweetness of the blessed life in God"
Let us have hope
About love to neighbours
Blessed are those who are not offended
Circumcision of the Lord
It's possible to remember the sins and with bad memory
A hint and a hunch
In the desire to bear fruit
Envy is sorrow of the heart about the well-being of the neighbour
On the threshold of unknown future
"The Holy Spirit makes the soul wise, when we listen to the advice of our shepherds"
The name of a woman who commits infanticide is "death"
Love will remain forever
Joyful mystery
How to pray in times of sorrow
God creates the world not so like a man
Let us learn to serve Christ in our speeches
Life of the soul consists of every minute thoughts and feelings
About insistence in prayer
"We are in this life as if in another maternal womb"
About abundance of life and love the Saviour wants to give us
"Let us rejoice, beloved,— our Saviour is now born!"
The meaning of Christmas
"Christ brought to earth not a new idea, but a new life"
Let us accept the Saviour into our heart
"The main reason for any confusion"
Let's bring gifts to the Lord
What does it mean to believe in God?
The dew of God's grace
"A year of the time of the Kingdom of His goodness"
About perfection of love
"Happy are those people who love Father John"
About the monk Anikita and polyarthritis
The image of Christ
Reality of the spiritual world
"The Lord is everything to me"
On freedom of will in a man
"Miracles and signs do not happen without a reason"
"We must become different"
"The ever current Source"
"Those who look at them are driven to remember and to love the prototypicals"
Venerable Tryphon's icon of the Mother of God
The face of the Mother of God
Prayer for the middle
Getting rid of the binge and madness before the Tolga Icon
Kolodiivka Icon of the Mother of God
The soul-saving story about Mount Sinai
Conception of the Most Holy Theotokos by Righteous Anna
Unexpected Joy for all sinners
"Mary full of grace..."
The zeal by faith
A wonderful rescue
Damascene's Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
A woman in the world
Story about an icon from the Holy Mountain
Iberia is the inheritance of the Blessed Virgin Mary
About the holy mystery of Repentance
Under the omophorion of the Mother of God
"Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign; behold, a Virgin shall conceive..." (Isa. 7, 14)
What word will depict, O Virgin Mary, Thy divinely shone beauty?
Oil-streaming icon
"The fruits of Mary's vineyard"
Help of Our Lady
Gregoriou Icon of the Mother of God
"Merciful" (Eleousa)
The Mother of God anoints a worshipful monk
"Hail Mary!"
Place of the appearance of God's glory
Image of the Most Pure
Myrrh-streaming icon
"This icon Cross-Theotokion..."
A prayer
("I'm, O God's Mother, now with prayer...")
"Nevsky Quick to Hearken"
The Light of Romania
"I am the vine, ye are the branches" (Jn. 15, 5)
The First Martyress of the Church
"Glorifying Mediatrix Diligent"
"Sweet Kiss"
"Under Her honest omophorion"
Kremenets shrine
A miracle in Optina
Shuya "Hodegetria"
"The Lady descended from the heavenly circles..."
In the abode of the Mother of God
"Overshadow our city with Thy gracious face!"
"She is a Healer to the whole world"
"Let us also imitate the humility of the Mother of God"
Many lamps...
"O Queen of heaven and earth..."
"Joy of all who sorrow"
About reading of the akathist to comfort
"She's alive!"
To Thee, O Most Holy Mother
Greatness of the Mother of God
"The Virgin can save people from troubles and sins"
"Relieving from pain"
The Icon "Before Birth and after Birth the Virgin"
"A martyr by will, even if without blood, like a son is adopted by the Virgin into eternal shelters"
"There is on the Earth such abode..."
Yakhroma Icon of the Mother of God
The Miracle of God
Saving of the Jerusalem Icon
"Save me from drowning!"
Korsun Icon
Images of Our Lady
"Rejoice! I'm with you in all the days!"
The temple of God is the guardian of the Mother of God
The soul occupied with intelligent prayer is like the virgin womb of the Mother of God
Icon of the Mother of God "Koukouzelissa"
In a church of the Virgin
Under the Cover of the Mother of God
"In Thee rejoiceth..."
A hope for the help of Our Lady
Adoption of John the Theologian to the Theotokos
"May She keep and your son..."
Queen of the Holy Mountain
Prophecy about the Virgin Theotokos
Shrine of Bryansk land
Return of the Lady
Makariev Icon
A miracle of expiration of myrrh, which was on September 16, 1392
Appearance of the Virgin to Venerable Job, in the schema Joshua, of Anzer
Monastery holidays of Holm Province (1897-1902)
Golgotha-Crucifixion Skete on Anzer
Boyany Icon
"And Her only name pleases the soul"
At the Protecting Veil
"God's chosen and God's sanctified vessel"
"Holm festival"
She Who bore God
Arapetskaya (Arabic) Icon
Orsha Icon of the Mother of God
"Burning Bush" in Khamovniki
To brotherhood of the Holy Prophet Elijah about the sower of tares
Vologda Icon the "Sign"
On the day of Chernigov-Gethsemane Icon of the Mother of God
The lay of the honest belt of the Theotokos
Pskov-Protection Icon
Azov Icon of the Mother of God
A wonderful liberation
Under the protection of Our Lady
Tonsured man of the Holy Mountain
The Vladimir Icon of Harbin
Georgian Icon in the Raif Monastery
To the emergence of the Photographic image of the Most Holy Theotokos on Mount Athos
Orthodox image of the Mother of God
The zealous Protectress of the Christian people
The Heavenly Queen
Feodorovskaya (Theodore) Icon
Visit to the tomb of the Blessed Virgin in Gethsemane
Kiev-Pechersk Icon of the Assumption
The appearance of Our Lady to Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk
"Veneration of the Queen of Heaven is the soul of all Orthodoxy."
Tolga Abode
From the spiritual experiences of Venerable Eleazar of Anzer
Deliverance from disease and from robbers
Trigorye Icon
On the days of the Assumption fast
Penza-Kazan icon of the Mother of God
"All-Merciful Protectress"
Self-justification, or False state
Achair Icon
Vorgol Icon
Okonskaya Icon of the Mother of God
Rudosilska Icon
The Patroness of our Fatherland
From Athonite stories
Heart of the Mother
Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary
"Her eye is a lightning"
In Pochaev Lavra
Types and prophecies about the Mother of God
"A look of extraordinary love"
Builder of the Great Lavra in the domain of the Virgin
"And tears were from Her eyes."
On renewal of the icons in the revolutionary years of the 20th century
Patroness of Yaroslavl
Konev Icon
Berkolabov Icon of the Mother of God
Saviour of Pskov
"O Most Pure Virgin, Mother of Holm Region"
Holy Mountains
"Our Mediatrix Diligent"
"I, poor, have begged the Mother of God for you"
The royal icon
Communion with Saints
On the day of appearance of Akhtyrskaya Icon
The Mediatrix for Northern Athos
Intercessor of Volhynia
Pryazhev Icon of the Mother of God
The way from the Holy Land to Athos
The law of holiness of God
Christ is God incarnate
To a modest man who repented of having sinned with the word
Treasure of the Monastery of Dionysiat
Pisarevskaya Icon
Confession and Communion: how not to confuse the beginning of the path with its end?
Zaonikiev Icon
"Unquenchable Candle"
"I saw the Queen in the air"
The king and his adviser
Return of the Shrine
"It was an amazing sight"
In honour of the Theotokos
From the notes of Venerable Barsanuphius of Optina
"Quick aid from the Blessed Lady"
On the Ever-virginity of Blessed Mary
Instruction on the 54th beginning of the Gospel of Luke
Igritsy-Pesochnya Icon
"Let the bells ring in the Pechersk Monastery!"
The eminent lord and a beggar in one person
"Turn to the Lord, call the Mother of God"
Healing from the Uryupin Icon of the Mother of God
"This place is Mine!"
Pimen's Icon
Shrines of the Great Church
The "Holy Cross" Icon
Dubovychi Icon
Bezhevo Icon
"Here is the rest, here is shelter..."
Where is the Kingdom of Heaven?
"But why do not they pray? Why not ask?"
"I am Surety of sinners to My Son..."
Galich Icon
By prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos
To a forester about the wings of John the Forerunner
"Enlighten 'those who sit in darkness!'"
Rzhavskaya Icon of the Mother of God
On the renewal of holy icons
Blessing of the Mother of God
Icon of the Virgin "on the Oran (Plaughed) field"
Old Testament Prophecies
Smolensk-Kostroma Icon
Madness as punishment for blasphemy
Unharmed shrine
The Mother of God banishing Artemis
Tupichev Icon
About the need for repentance
Descent of the Holy Spirit upon Ever-Virgin
Tereben Icon of the Mother of God
In the Troodos Mountains
Clarity of mind
Star of the Serbian Church
Perekop Icon of the Mother of God
Testimony about Our Lady
Icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness"
Veneration of the Virgin Mary
"The Inexhaustible Chalice"
From Ascension till Pentecost
To some ferryman about a stupid oath
Miracle in the Zhitomir region
"Give us an unexpected joy"
"The body of Hers became a repository and a source of miracles"
Mezhyrich Icon
A wonderful apparition in Alexandrovka
The purpose of life
Spaso-Eleazarovsky Monastery (now Convent)
Shrine of Putivlian Land
To a pious spouse about her sectarian husband
Miracles of the Mother of God on Mount Athos
"She became the Mother of God and remained Her forever"
Vaskovsky-Yelsk Icon
"Defend with Thy honest robe"
Mercy of the Virgin
Defender of Tambov
Struggle against sins
Miraculous rescue from the fire
"In the simplicity of the heart look to every icon"
Belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Appearance of the Mother of God on Pochaev Hill
"The Mother of God, as the Good Mother, cares for the monks in Her lot"
Cesar-Borovsky Icon
Spanish Icon of the Mother of God
Byzantine Icon of the Mother of God
Terebovlya Icon
Apparition of the Most Pure Virgin
Intercessor for all people
"The Key of Reason"
"If you cross the Jordan, you will find a good rest"
Ipatiev Icon of the Mother of God
"It can not be!"
Wonderful renovation of the icon
Radomyshl image of the Mother of God
"The Mother of God will not leave us"
Miraculous deliverance from captivity
Wondrous mystery
Near the Cross
Antioch Icon
What is salvation and why does a modern man need it?
The Novo-Sverzhensky shrine
Krasnoyilsk myrrh-streaming icon
Icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness"
Visit to Cyprus by the Most Pure Virgin
The icon, which you can't look at
Marvelous event
About the truth and the future Judgement
About the intercession for the Christians of the Mother of God
Patroness of the house of the Romanovs
Мiraculous icons
The not-made-by-hand, revealed image of the Mother of God
About the service of the Sabbath of Akathist
Iconography of "Praise of the Theotokos"
Hope and pride
On the miraculous save of the icon "The Sign" in 1898
Apparition of the Mother of God
To a disconsolate mother about bad children
Gidla Icon
Temple in the name of the Reigning Icon
Under the reigning Cover
The cell icon of St. Pitirim
Help of the Virgin
"I... came to heal you"
A miracle from the Novgorod Icon of the Mother of God "Sign"
Mercy of the Mother of God
Sokolsky image of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
"A pledge of... incessant communication"
The hospital temple
To a father who looked for medicine for his son everywhere
The Appearance of Our Lady to Venerable Dositheus
Pea field
"There is nothing random for a believer"
About importance of thanksgiving
Podolskaya Icon
About appearance of the Mother of God to the twelve builders of the Great Assumption Church
Testimonies of the Church
Pain. Our soul needs pain
Why are we sad?
Rescue of the shrine from the temple of the village of Stromyn
Kerkyra Image of the Mother of God
"Above the path, which bloodied was and long..."
About veneration of the Mother of God
Procession with the shrine
Smyrna Icon
To a merchant of cattle about the will of God
"Recovery of the perished"
The teaching of Abba John about the acquisition of virtues
Is Candlemas the Lord's feast or the feast of the Mother of God?
Crying Icon of Our Lady
The miracle of taming the storm
The Island of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Intercession of the Theotokos on the Day of the Last Judgement
Ancient abode
To a pilgrim about the fulfilled prediction
Sayings of the elders, whose names have not reached us
with Conclusion
The first icons of the Mother of God
Sayings of the elders, whose names have not reached us
Revered image from the Smolensk Church
Sayings of the elders, whose names have not reached us
Pearls of Kostroma land
Newfound shrine
Mother Superior of the Holy Mountain Athos
Scete monks, Abba Tiphoy, Abba Theodore of Hermea, and Abba Theodore of Ennata
Graceful Intercessor
Sayings of Abba Serapion and abba Stratilatius
Abba Silouan
Abba Sisoy the Great said
House of the Most Pure on Storozhi
"She is the Mother of God"
Abba Pimen the Great said
Zimnenskaya Icon of the Mother of God
Shrine of Xenophon Monastery
"There are no numbers... for the images of the Mother of God"
"I will be your Patroness"
Iconographic types of icons of the Virgin
Tula inheritance of the "Nursing the Child"
Pregnancy and Divine consolation
"It is miraculous!"
Priestling Icon
Egyptian Icon of the Mother of God
"Upon Thy right hand did stand the Queen"
"Do you have need of guidance? Run to the Lady"
About the icons of the Mother of God
About the veneration of holy icons
Woman's seed shall bruise the head of serpent
Bishop Ilias Miniatis
Why do Russians especially venerate the Theotokos?
"Help in childbirth"
Rescue of the image of the Queen of Heaven
Barlovskaya Icon
"Merciful" ("The Hearer")
Vilna-Ostrobramska Icon
Council of the Most Holy Theotokos
Image of the Virgin
Icon of the Mother of God "Three Joys"
The "Slain" Icon of the Virgin
"Saviouress of the drowning"
Novodvorskaya Icon of the Mother of God
"Look at the image of the Lady"
To two friends who argue, "Is it necessary to give Communion to the sick?"
Eternal treasure
Pure in heart
Only in God does the soul gain peace
You save faith — everything will be saved
Heavenly inhabitant walking on the ground
The Lord loves the righteous
Rejoice, an unexpected joy to the faithful that giveth!
Our duty is to stand for the truth of God
"In each separately sits Judas"
Shepherd of love
"Be afraid to defile your bodily temple"
Mystery of Faith
The harbinger of Russian Calvary
"Block off the source of trouble"
Seraphim means "flaming"
The Merciful Bishop
The main business of the shepherd is the preaching of the word of God
The bride of Christ
On the guard of folk morals
Let's follow the Most Holy Virgin
Saving of the peasant
"Metropolitan of All Russia"
"Behold, there went out a sower to sow"
Beware of gossip about the priesthood
"God's salt"
The secret of Chrysostom's eloquence
Russian hierarchs at the grave of Blessed John
Bishop's Crown of Thorns
About the pristine beauty of the soul
Bright and majestic image
For the truth of God
"The people needs Patriarch"
"It is better to consider all to be the saints"
All-conquering meekness
Do you want to go to paradise? Forgive everyone
"Remember the end"
Finding of the Shrine
The Holy Scripture and the Church
The voice of the people's conscience
Warlord, who defeated sin
About the insult of the squalid
The Man of Prayer and the Martyr of Christ
Only in the Lord there is peace and quiet
"I still preserve Orthodoxy with the grace of God"
Zealot of the Church
Whoever dies for himself will come to life for God
About the love of children and original sin
"Let us praise... the light scribe of the Gospel of Christ"
"The merciful... shall obtain mercy"
A champion of the restoration of memory of all the saints of the Russian land
For fidelity to the sacred canons
Miraculous overshadowing of the Iveron Icon
The Parable of the Invisibly Growing Seed
The Parable of the Soul-Hostess
The Pillar of God's Truth
The Image of the Theophany to Abraham
To a peasant who complains that he is haunted by fear
"I fully understand the responsibility of my duty"
Indifference and murmur
"Let our heart always be at the feet of the Mother of God"
"I dare not resist"
Assembly of Moscow Hierarchs
Fixation in the love of God
How to eradicate evil?
The Most Exalted of All Saints
The first hierarch of the Russian land
We are called to follow in the footsteps of the saints of God
What is the most to be feared?
Having a good conscience
God's gift
To a merchant about the fruits of fasting
The hierarchs are the eyes of the Church
To an anonymous author about what such a special thing Christ made
Enlightener of the Far East
Marvelous Wonderworker
The river of healings
Let us listen to shepherds and ask for understanding from God
Jealous of God's truth
To a poor seamstress about the victory over evil
Having endured tribulation for the Russian Church
The spiritual exaltation of the cross
About mutual love to Him That has loved us
Our crosses
The incorruptibility of holiness
"They tell us the Word of God"
"The main thing is to live a life worthy."
"Lady Theotokos! Keep the Russian people..."
The merciful archpastor
The hand of the Rostov wonderworker is the shrine of the temple of Archangel Michael
"Start a count from zero"
Chosen of the Mother of God
"We need to forgive all everything"
Abba Pamvo said
The people who honour God will always be blessed
To one woman about the crazy
St. Macarius and Venerable Alexander Svirsky
Conscience is the voice of God in the soul
The Vision of Metropolitan Dionysius
Good shepherd-bishop
The essence of the Christian feat
The patron of the Russian land
The missionary-hieromartyr
Having followed Christ to the end
Facilitating the bonds of royal passion-bearers
Be faithful to the faith of the fathers
Enlightener of Perm land
The Lord strengthens us with the memory of the saints
The Saint and the Reverend
"Before this holy image..."
On the steps of humility, purity and love
For fidelity to Christ
Loved by the people
Salvation from the fire of lies
True fasting
The holy lot
The chosen one of God
The Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow
How can we establish ourselves in faith?
The champion of the unity of the church
Fasting is an extremely important matter
The Way to God is the Way of Repentance
Looking at the Cross of Christ
"Christ is our life, light and rest"
"I am a faithful son of my people"
"The preciousness of the human soul"
Jealousy by the faith of Christ
Standing in the Truth of God
Miracle in the forest near Rzhev
Mother of God and saints are the healers of children's infirmities
The Heart of the Holy Myrrh-Bearer
Calm down from the worldly noise
Visiting Venerable Seraphim
Is God just?
"Man! Understand your dignity"
The meaning of the holy fathers for us Christians
Acquiring of the holy faith
Whether is it to talk with others about spiritual life?
Do not break the similarity with the Angels
Repose of the Blessed Princess Olga
A medicine against hatred
Mediatrix Diligent of the Christian Kind
"We are raw firewood"
Mentor of the whole people
Personification of Holy Russ
Tsar-Martyr Nicholas
Relocation of the relics of St. Philip
St. Photius of Moscow
About skills
Memorial Day of the Apostles
The word in the day of the holy apostles Peter and Paul
According to our sins and our misfortunes happen
The faithful warrior of Christ
St. Dionysius of Suzdal
The deepest meaning of marriageable union
Word in the day of Birth of the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John
What is death?
Work on holidays
The seeing of one's own sin
The first prelate of the Kazan diocese
"Their covenants are our sacred things"
In the two commandments about love for God and love for one's neighbour there is the whole law
"I'm not a judge in my own business"
Spiritual and literary works of St. Theophane the Recluse
"Being in humility and love"
About Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev
God rules the world
Simple mind and wicked mind
St. John of Tobolsk
And what have to do the parents, whose child left home?
The feast of "All saints resplendent in the Russian land"
A citizen
"To live in God's way..."
About the Great Martyr Theodore Stratelates
What is Christian wisdom?
"Give us this day our daily bread" (Matt. 6, 11)
"Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matt. 11, 28)
Celebration in honour of Kiev-Brotherly Icon of the Mother of God
From the word before the requiem on the fortieth day after the death of Father John of Kronstadt
God's incessant Providence for each of us
"I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered"
"A huge multitude of saints"
The transfer of the relics of the Moscow saints Cyprian, Photius and Jonas
Do not be upset
Saint Innocent of Kherson in the days of bombardment of Odessa in 1854
From the "Word of Law and Grace"
Day of the Holy Spirit
A word on Pentecost
Commemoration in the ecumenical Sabbaths
About the correction of church books
Without the bishop, there is no Church
There is no true happiness and perfect well-being without God
The Gospel is a spiritual treasure
A thought on the seashore
About Sunday
The first opening of the relics of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk
Opening of the relics of St. Hermogenes
Ascension of the Lord
And the mean man boweth down, and the great man humbleth himself (Isa. 2, 9)
From the message of Simon Bishop of Vladimir and Suzdal to Polycarp, monk of the Caves
The arrival of the relics of St. Nicholas in Bari
The main significance of the holiday
"Tsar Nicholas the Long-suffering"
The Divine origin of shepherding
"For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light" (Matt. 11, 30)
The Lubny Wonderworker
Jesus and the Samaritan: instructive reflections
From the letter of St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov) to Hegumen Damaskin to Valaam
Venerable Leo and St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov)
"I give out the words of God..."
About preaching
"Food for our souls"
Who truly wants his salvation, he fulfils all that serves for salvation
Blood of the Martyrs
"Courage is lacking..."
The Mother of God
Father and children
Blessing to Saint Maxim
Word in Sunday of myrrh-bearers
A miracle from the Ilyinsky-Chernigov Icon of the Mother of God, which was in 1671
Healing through the prayers of righteous John of Kronstadt
The first Orthodox sermon in Tokyo
Organizer of the Ioanno-Predtechensky Skete
"Regal day"
The spiritual heritage of St. Ignatius
To preach the word, being instant in season, out of season
"For such there is no Resurrection of Christ"
The burden of patriarchal service
"Christ is risen!"
"But we see Jesus... for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour" (Heb. 2, 9).
"Great is the present day of rest"
Word before the Shroud
God's will
Miracle of incorruption
Conversation with God
"Should I go?"
"Let Christ now enter our Jerusalem"
"Today is the head of our salvation!"
Great Moscow Patriarchs
Resurrections of the dead by the Saviour
About the Consolation of Holy Scripture
"Fight, pray, cry, lament"
A Sample of Repentance
"Rejoice, Bride not Bride!"
Filaret the Pious
A word for the memory of Alexis the Man of God
"God does not accept a drunkard"
"Great repentance!"
Orthodox miracle
Descriptor of the Spiritual Ladder
Word on Saturday of the 4th week of Great Lent
"Lord and Master of my life..."
Saint Nicholas of Japan
The Cross is the ladder to Heaven
Thoughts for the day of the forty martyrs
About cross-bearing
The Sacred Sign of Resurrection
The lessons of Great Lent
Belief in the Intercession of Saints and the Theotokos
Parable of the Grandee and Ploughman
Prisoner of the Reval Fortress
Visits of God's mercy
About the feeling of hunger during fasting
"Here in the skete, I'm just a monk"
John the Forerunner
"My soul, my soul, rise up, what are you asleep?"
What is fasting?
About the worship of holy icons
What is Orthodoxy?
By partaking of the Holy Mysteries
Fasting is a weapon of salvation
Patriarch Hermogenes
"Academy of missionary work"
"Prepare thy soul for temptation" (Sir. 2, 1)
"The fasting is come, the mother of chastity"
Teaching in the Cheesefare (Forgiveness) Sunday
The memory of a spiritual mentor
The word for memory of Venerable Demetrius of Prilutsk
The first Bishop of Irkutsk
The talk against intemperance
"The Son of man shall come in His glory" (Matt. 25, 31)
Teaching on Sunday of the Last Judgement
Memorial Saturday
Heavenly patron of Chernigov
The enlightener of Japan
Word on the Presentation of the Lord
Above the law
The mercy of the Lord to the truly penitent
"And He said, A certain man had two sons" (Lk. 15, 11)
Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-Bearer
"A brilliant gift of spiritual eloquence"
Modern pharisaism
In the memory of Metropolitan Vladimir (Bogoyavlensky)
"Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees..." (Matt. 16, 6)
Word on Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee
Hell and paradise
Filaret the merciful
About the power of the spoken word
Good roots
About chains of sins and passions
What is perfection?
From their youth, dedicating themselves to God
God is known by faith and love
"Fair among saints and glorious among martyrs"
Holy master of the Solovetsky Islands
Remember the vows of Holy Baptism
The true God has revealed Himself to us
Let us prepare the way of the Lord
The school's Epiphany Monastery
Friend of All Saints
The secret of true happiness
Let Jesus' name be written in our hearts
Decoration of Church history
The organizer of the Russian Church
"Let human pride be ashamed"
God was manifest in the flesh
The cave, which became Heaven
In the Nativity of Christ there is all for us
Led by the one star
Founder of the new life
The first saint of Moscow
Holy teachers of Rus
Let us bring pure hearts
New Year fuss is a wrong way...
No Christianity without the Church
The combination of fasting with mercy and prayer
Mercy doors
About granting of passionate love for God
From the last pages of the diary
Unexpected joy
Confession must be tender
Nilo-Stolobensky Monastery
"So fool..."
What habits are to be developed in the first place
Venerable Sabbas and a Frenchman
The principle of the tradition and the spirit of self-assertion
Apostle Andrew the First-Called
Hiding behind the name of Christianity
Hieromartyr Metropolitan Seraphim
Serafimo-Znamensky Skete
One flesh
How to behave after Communion
Without Baptism there is no salvation
Psalm 43
Peace of the soul
Icon of Presentation in temple of the Most Holy Virgin
Prayer is a skill to focus
The word at the funeral of Schema-archimandrite Vitaly (Sidorenko)
An example of obedience
"Let him deny himself" (Mk. 8, 34)
About how to test your conscience
In anticipation of the fast
"Golden" words
St. John the Merciful
Any obedience, executable for God, leads to paradise
To those who have married
Saint Nectarios of Aegina
Archangel Michael
A word against worldly gratification
On the irascible
The election to the Patriarchal throne
"My God, for all thank Thee..."
"Do not interfere with us"
The temptation to judge by appearances
About Sunday
St. Arseny I, Archbishop of Serbia
Be like candles
Venerable Nestor the Chronicler
About the persecution
We'll stand
How to endure insults
Prayer dispensation at the beginning of the day
Mediatrix diligent
"Escape for thy life; look not behind thee" (Gen. 19, 17)
Ordination to the priesthood
About halloween
Righteous Lazarus of the Four, the friend of God
Unusual pickpocket
Saint Athanasius the Confessor, Bishop of Kovrov
To make flesh not burden spirit
About the constant confession
Venerable Leo of Optina
Blessed Optina
The sin of idle talk
Remembrance of 12 year age
Communion in condemnation
About compliance with the Charter of the Church
Where does laziness come from?
The whole world is under the influence of some force
How to spend Sunday
Icon of the Protecting Veil of the Holy Virgin
Confession for obedience
The way of non-saving suffering
How a husband loves his wife
About that anyone should not lie
About love in the deed of education
St. Sergius of Radonezh is the personification of the Holy Rus
From the life of Reverend Nikandr of Pskov
About loyalty
Seek God
Lord Benjamin was able to inspire the entire service
Holy angels
From the instructions of Rev. Alexis of Zosima
About last times
Four candles
I beseech you, be suns
Icon of the Exaltation of the Lord's Cross
A gift to God from the king
Righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye
On the signs of grace and enticement
The righteous saints Joachim and Anna
The Mother of God is paradise
The soul of the elder
How a warrior of Christ should arrange himself for battle in the morning
The most important thing in a marriage
Fill all with meaning
Get up and pray
"Christians to the lions!"
Brief outline of Christian virtues
Let us keep conscience
Sad and joyful holiday
Not to forget
Nun Ambrose (Oberucheva)
"Stay among these droplets..."
About the relation to animals
Freely ye have received, freely give (Matt. 10, 8)
Humility is the mother of virtues
Venerable Martha of Diveevo
What is a clever man?
Reasoning about education
About the beauty of the world
Communication of Abba Hilarion with other saints
An example of zeal for worship
It is necessary to be at peace with all
Icon of the Dormition of the Theotokos
Confession must be decisive
Hypocrisy and servility
Vaccination against the spirit of the time
In August
Blessed Lawrence of Kaluga
Historical and cultural value of Solovki
To the 450th anniversary of the first transfer of the relics of St. Zosima and Savvatiy of Solovki
Childhood years of Elder Anthony
The icon of the Transfiguration of the Lord
Martyr Evdokia, Daria, Daria and Mary of Puzo
Rules for preparing for Holy Communion
The art of holiness
In defense of fasting
About three crosses
"The Kingdom of God is within you" (Lk. 17, 21)
Rev. Anatoly of Optina, Junior
How mysterious Providence of God is
Whether is it necessary to be treated?
Rev. Moses Ugrin of Caves
The strength and the fruit of Jesus Prayer
We do not see the mystery
"...And the invasion of Hagarites they reflect"
Main condition
Church of St. Elijah the Prophet in Obydenny side-street
About heavenly joy
Patience for salvation
Links in the spiritual chain
When everything is smooth, is it good?
Baptism of Russia
Ordinary life is only a prolonged death
Sorrow from pride
Three Hands
Princess Olga
Can I be saved?
Kolotsky Monastery and Icon
How to pray the Mother of God
The warning against pride
Spiritual shepherd
Conversion to Orthodoxy
Responsibilities to the sovereign's entity
Blessed John of Moscow
About the relation of one's neighbour
God does not abandon those who fear Him
The synaxis of the holy glorious and all-praised twelve Apostles
The first acquaintance with Elder Paisius
Candle burning
The daily routine of Elder Ambrose
From the teachings of Reverend Nikon of Optina
About the choice of spouse
Ivanovsky Convent in Moscow
Child's consciousness of sin
"We're living in the wrong..."
Matter needs to be transformed
About relation to the plants
Saint John of Shanghai
Being saved is not difficult, but wise
About fasting and repentance
From the Life of St. Moses of Optina
Three advices
Repletion of lean food
Prayer for the earthly rulers
The path to self-reproach
Abba Matoi said
How can we know God's will?
Be clean vessels
"He that humbleth himself shall be exalted" (Lk. 14, 11)
Abba Moses
Icon of the Holy Trinity
"My son, give me thine heart" (Prov. 23, 26)
Two bad cases and one good
Admonitions of Venerable Paisius of the Holy Mountain
About the opening of thoughts, brought by the enemy
Father John of Kronstadt
About despondency
If you want to restore order...
Abba Longinus said
St. Luke
Icon of the Ascension of the Lord
A twelve year old girl
Thoughts about immortality
About the fascination of theosophy
Advice of eighteen children's father
About the passion of anger
Repentance revives the soul
Nobleborn Prince Dovmont of Pskov
Let's protect our children
Abba Xoi
Cross feat of the mother of the Russian land
Facets of love
About prudence
About inappropriate silence
How to beat cowardice
The haste in reading of the prayer rule
The day of Slavic writing and culture
Do not judge by appearance
Elder Joseph of Optina
The apostle and theologian
What differs the Roman Catholic Cross from the Orthodox
Venerable Micah of Radonezh
About sins of drunkenness and tobacco smoking
How to gain peace of soul
We are responsible for all the misdeeds of our children
Example of the holy myrrh-bearers
About reading of the Scripture
St. Ignatius Brianchaninov
Precept of reverend Nektarios of Optina
We lived as "the birds of heaven"
An explanation about the commemoration of the departed
Military and spiritual victory
Peace be unto you...
Christ is Risen!
Conversation in the Bright Week
Easter for a child
Abba John (eunuch) said
The icon "Descent into hell"
Day of Resurrection of Christ
Be silent, all flesh of man
Homily on Good Friday
On Holy Week
Holy Week is a precious time
Admonishing words on Passion Week
The knowledge of one's weakness
Icon of Entry into Jerusalem
Raising of Lazarus
An example of obedience
Promotion to patience and courage
Share the love equally
About the value of time
The last entries in the diary of hieromonk Basil (Roslyakov)
The Lord is always ready to help us
A word on the Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary
"God, God is coming!"
The internal fasting
In the silence there is humility
Words about confession
Signs of necrosis of the soul
"We ask for the Christian end of our life..."
Abba John the Dwarf said
Listen to the silence
Abba Ischyrion
Icon of the Annunciation
If you are ashamed to cross yourself...
Abba Hyperechius said
Cross of the Lord is love
The blessed repose of the elder
Martyr Photina (Svetlana) the Samaritan Woman
About neglecting during the Great Lent
Isaac the Syrian said
Whether does the devil have power to do evil to people?
Source of courage
God's fool John
Abba John the Persian
How to come to repentance
About repentance what it is
The path to the contemplation of Divine light
Instructions of Elder Paisius
Abba Joseph said
Forty Martyrs of Sebaste
Kursk Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign"
You have to know your faith
With the bath of repentance
About amiable for all and evil ruler, the belly
Snetogorsky Monastery
Fasting and prayer
The Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian
Fasting is springtime for the soul
What is forgiveness?
God is merciful and good
To the rulers
Prayer of a layman
A perversion of the purpose of the cheese week (carnival)
Instructions of aged nun
Properties of the Last Judgement
About the desire of death and the memory of it
My conversion to Christ
Live candle
How to achieve peace of the soul
"To my dear brother on birthday!"
Lessons for the Bishop
The benefits of frequent instruction
The price paid for our own sins
A little about contribution of the Holy Fathers
From the Life of the Hieromartyr Blaise, bishop of Sebaste
Then there was repentance...
Rules of a godly life
Example of humility
What a joy it is to meet a man!
About warmth and coldness
What is to fill the day with?
About laziness and despondency
At the beginning of service in Japan
Icon of the Presentation of the Lord
Resist the enemy's suggestions and ideas
Compassion and sentimentality
Thoughts, written in a single verse
How to be determined to enter the Church
In whom love, he is...
Against those who are not present in the sacred assemblies
How to be an example for your children
Not in word but in deed
All of our meetings are not accidental
"My darling, forgive me..."
"Blessed are the pure in heart" (Matt. 5, 8)
The best Interlocutor
About the benefits of sorrows
About courage in Christ
Instructions about life in Christ
Short instructions and sayings of St. Ambrose of Optina about attitude towards yourself and others
Venerable Paul of Thebes
Minutes of solitude of a family woman
Humility is always beautiful
Exhortation to Christians
How to give advice to neighbours
About prayer
Short instructions and sayings of St. Ambrose of Optina about the Christian virtues
A word about St. Gregory miracle worker
To put yourself in the place of another
Icon of the Baptism of the Lord
Do not resist evil by evil, do not return evil for evil
Drowsiness, the habit of wake up late in the morning
"Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life" (Jn. 5, 39)
Praise of St. Basil the Great
Speak to God a lot, but to people few
On the dance floor...
Rev. Mark gravedigger
I thank You!
Non-fictitious story
Homily for Christmas
Icon of the Nativity of Christ
A man strange for all
Homily on the new 1904 year
Keeper of the human race
Natural order
Let us praise the Blessed Virgin Mary!
The life of the hermit John
The dew of the resurrection
The Queen of Heaven
Ask the Queen of Heaven!
Heavenly hierarchy
About intercession in the life, death and after the death
"Unexpected Joy"
Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Anna righteous
The treasure of St. Neil
About the origin of the Mother of God
"Do not balk the source to flow"
"Mount not Chopped by Hand"
A miracle over Gaianus
Patronage of Our Lady
Miraculous healings
Giving of the son
Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign"
Psalter of the Mother of God
Virginity of the Mother of God
Bring the children to Christ!
Homily on the Presentation of Mary
Presentation of Mary
The recollection of death is a preparation for eternal life
"In sorrows and griefs Consolation"
Mysterious statement of faith
Kupyatitskaya Icon of the Theotokos
You are the reservoir of all the gifts of grace
The prophecy of the Incarnation
Icon of the Mother of God "Merciful" (of Kykkos)
Refutation of the iconoclasts
Hail All-Blessed Quick to Hearken!
Icon of the Mother of God "Leaping of the Child"
Non-covetousness of the Mother of God
Prayer for worthy Partaking of the Holy Mysteries
Peschanskaya Icon
Ozeryanskaya Icon of the Mother of God
Dew of mercy
Psalter of Our Lady. Psalm 143
Very fast Patroness
"Joy of all who sorrow"
Andronicus Icon
The celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God
"Sing to Me, and I will never leave you"
Kazan Icon of the Mother of God
Heavenly protection
The icon of the Mother of God, called "Deliverer"
"Before Birth and after Birth the Virgin"
Cellular icon of elder Ambrose
Arrival of the Iveron Icon to Moscow
"Your songs are pleasant to Me..."
Gracious help of Our Lady
Mediation of the Mother of God
"Our joy and hope"
The Pskov-Pechersk Icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness"
To the Mother of God — about the gift of repentance
The liberation from the bonds
A wonderful gift
Intercession of the Theotokos
The vision of the monk Kyriakos
Patroness and praise of the land of Poltava
About the intercession of Our Lady
Icon of the Mother of God, named "At the source"
"I will never leave this place!"
Mirozh Icon
Slavonic Icon of the Mother of God
Irrigated Fleece
The tender dew
Glory to Thee, Lady!
About glorification of the name of Theotokos
The history of painting of the sacred image
"Look upon humility"
Novonikitskaya icon of the Mother of God
Courage and patience in sorrows
About the glory of the Mother of God
The voice of the Virgin
"Wisdom hath builded Her House..." (Prov. 9: 1).
Homily for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin
Lesna icon of the Mother of God
Arapetskaya Icon of the Mother of God
About inner spiritual improvement
"Burning Bush"
Pisidia Icon of the Mother of God
Kaluga Icon of the Mother of God
Chernigov-Gethsemane Icon
Placing of the venerable belt of the Theotokos
The August Icon
The revelation of the Holy Virgin
Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Honour all the saints, but especially the Mother of God!
The emergence of the Photographic image of Our Lady
Donskaya icon of the Mother of God
"Holy Queen"
Port Arthur Icon of the Mother of God
Narva Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Eulogy to the Assumption of the Virgin
"Passionate" Icon of the Mother of God
Tomb of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Tolga Icon of the Mother of God
The blessing of the Queen of Heaven
From the writings of elder Silouan about the Mother of God
A prayer
("O Most Gracious Lady, Queen of Heaven, the Most Pure Theotokos!")
"Rejoice, the Village of God and the Word!"
The fast in honour of the Mother of God
Festival of the all-Merciful Saviour and the most Holy Mother of God
"I leave you to the Lord and His most Pure Mother"
Exclusionary icon of Father Seraphim
Yuga Icon
The Humility of the Mother of God
To the Theotokos
Salvation of Pochaev from the Turks
The first appearance of the Virgin in Pochaev
Abalatskaya icon of the Mother of God
Chukhloma (Galich) Icon of the Virgin
Appearance of Our Lady to St. Seraphim of Sarov
Svyatogorskaya Icon of the Mother of God
Recovery from the plague
Scriptures of Elder Silouan. About the Mother of God
"O daughter all-holy, decoration of wives!"
"The Theotokos and Mother of Light, let us extol in songs" (exclamation at Matins)
The gift of the Virgin
Kolochskaya icon of the Mother of God
Precious treasure
Blachernae shrines
Good House-Keeper
Provisions of robe of the Theotokos in Blachernae
Akhtyrskaya icon of the Virgin
About the cleansing of the passions and inner good intention
Balykinskaya icon of the Mother of God
"Three Hands"
About talents
"The rod of the root of Jesse"
A long way
"For the Kingdom of God is not in word, but in power." (1 Cor. 4, 20)
Standing on the Ugra River
The salvation of Vladimir from the plague
A prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Modena Icon of the Mother of God
God-loving Queen
About the gratification of Our Lady
Under the omophorion of the Mother of God
"Protection and Mediatrix of the infirm"
Appearance of Our Lady to the Reverend Peter
From Athos to Konevets
"It is truly meet..."
The dream of saint
Go to Beloozero
Uryupinsk Icon of the Mother of God
The Poemen Icon of the Mother of God
Сellular icon of Prince Igor
A blessing
A prayer
("O All-Hymned Mistress, Lady, Virgin Theotokos, Mary!")
Pray to the Mother of God!
Tabyn Icon
"Mediatrix of the world, Surety of sinners!"
"Thy womb was Holy Table"
Whom will I resort to in my sorrow, if not to You, the Queen of Heaven?
About imitation of virtues of Our Lady
The Salvation of Moscow
Tupichevskaya Icon of the Mother of God
The miracle of the Virgin
Revered icon of Russia
Putivl Icon
Tsarevokokshaisk Icon of the Mother of God
This gate shall be shut, it shall not be opened (Ezek. 44, 2)
The blessing of the Pochaev mountain
Orthodox veneration of the Mother of God
Tsargrad icon of the Mother of God
Molchenskaya icon of the Mother of God
To teacher, about the apparition of the Mother of God
Under the blessed omophorion
The dew of healing
Belynichi icon of the Theotokos
Murom Icon of the Mother of God
About the veneration of Our Lady in days of Her earthly life
"The fire of the Godhead has not burned Your womb"
About the miraculous apparitions of the Virgin
Life-giving Spring
Icon of the Mother of God "Sweet Kiss"
Bachkovo icon of the Mother of God
Virgin and Mother
"Today there is beginning of our salvation ..."
Broken commandment
Preimages and comparisons
Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Prayer from the service in honour of the Theodore Icon of the Mother of God
Lydda icon of the Theotokos
"The Word became flesh"
Protectress of the Russian diaspora
"I am Surety of sinners"
"Blessed Heaven"
"I entrust my child to Thy heavenly protection"
Under the Protection of the Virgin
What does it mean to feel sinful?
Vision of Reverend Erasmus of Caves
"Be the Trustees of the needs of Gregory and his brethren"
Kiev Annunciation
Kozelschanskaya icon of the Theotokos
Rejoice, Ladder of high, which Jacob saw
Miracle of the icon of the Dormition of Our Lady
From the heritage of the Byzantine Empire
The Cyprian Icon of the Mother of God
Priest-Confessor Vladimir Hirasko
Panagia Portaitissa, Iveron Icon of the Mother of God
Restoration of the veneration of holy icons
Icon of the Mother of God "Looking like fire"
Prayers to the Mother of God
The Sicilian, or the Divnogorskaya, icon of the Mother of God
The image blessed Matrona prayed for
Eletsky-Chernigov Icon of the Mother of God
"Recovery of the perished"
About the fear of God and the wisdom
About pernicious sinful habits and how to combat them
The habit of living in debt
The habit of watching TV timeless, of computer games
The habit of swearing
The habit of bodily rest (fear of sorrows)
The habit of vice, immorality
The smoking habit
The habit of excessive consumption of alcohol (alcoholism)
The habit to judge others (excuse yourself)
The habit of disobedience, inclination to dispute
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